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Professional Massage Delivery in Bangkok

Order Foot Massage at your place

Book your Foot Massage delivered right to your door anywhere - home, hotel or condominium. 

A trained massage therapist will arrive promptly on the time and day of your choice. 
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Foot Massage

Foot Reflexology, also known as Thai Foot Massage, it’s a type of massage that focuses on the feet and uses pressure points along certain lines of energy called meridians to stimulate specific organs in our body.

The technique is based upon the belief that every part of the body corresponds to an area of the foot. By applying pressure to these points, we can release tension from the corresponding areas of the body. The theory behind the practice of Thai Foot Massage comes from the idea that each organ in our body has a particular point in the soles of the feet that is connected to it. This point can be considered as the center of the organ. When we massage these points on the soles of the feet, the organs get better circulation and the blood flow increases. This is also a relaxing and stress-relieving technique. It’s important to note that Thai foot massage is not only a good form of relaxation, but it is also a traditional method of medicine for the treatment of many different health conditions, such as back pain, neck pain, sports injuries, arthritis, leg cramps, postural problems, and even some forms of cancer.

Book a Thai foot massage in your hotel room. Get a soothing foot massage and treat yourself to a relaxing, rejuvenating experience that’s guaranteed to leave you feeling totally relaxed and refreshed.

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60 Minutes 


90 Minutes


120 Minutes

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Client Testimonials

The service was excellent!

I was skeptical of the website at first, but I took a chance and signed up for a session. I'm so glad I did. I had the best experience ever! The masseuse was amazing! My masseuse was very knowledgeable and she took good care of my back and shoulder.
Mr Abdullah,
 from Malaysia
Customer from Website

The service was good quality, professional, and very relaxing.

I was very impressed by the service as soon as I made contact with the customer service through whatsapp.
Mr Ben,
 from USA
Customer from Facebook

We’re the solution to your pain

Most people who seek out massage say they do so because they need some stress relief or want to feel more relaxed. For most people, massage therapy is also beneficial for increasing energy levels, improving sleep quality, and reducing anxiety. Massage can be very relaxing. It helps release the tension in your muscles and helps you relax. Massage has been around since ancient times. Ancient cultures used massage to increase energy levels, improve circulation, and reduce pain.

Why not give a try for massage at home?  The main benefit is convenience and privacy. You don't have to leave your home and travel to a professional massage parlor or spa. Our mobile massage therapists come to you so you can enjoy the ultimate pampering.


You do not need to be embarrassed in front of others, and the privacy of your home is respected. You can save your time and money by having a massage at home. It's not a spa but you can still enjoy the benefits of getting a massage at home.


You can book a massage whenever you need one when you can't take time off work. Or maybe you want a massage after work, but you're not sure when you'll get the chance. You can have your massage at home anytime you want.

Personal Touch

You tell your therapist what bothers you. They listens to your needs. Then they works on your body to relieve your stress. The massage is done with great attention to detail. You can relax and enjoy a massage session at home.

When was the last time you had a really good massage?

Massage delivers to your doorstep. All you have to do is place an order online or call us to book a Foot Massage at your convenience.
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